15 YILLIK BÖLGE TECRÜBESİ İLE TUĞBERK GÜNDÜZPortföy’de Tek Yetkili ve Sözleşmelidir.İLANIMIZ GÜNCELDİR. DAİREYİ DİLEDİĞİNİZ ZAMAN RANDEVU İLE GEZEBİLİRSİNİZ.İlanda temsili fotoğraflar kullanılmıştır.DİĞER PROJELERAĞAOĞLU MASLAK 1453-ECLİPSE MASLAK-MASLAK MASHATTAN-AĞAOĞLU MYHOME MASLAK-VADİSTANBUL TERAS-VADİSTANBUL PARK-SKYLAND İSTANBUL-PORTA VADİ-AVANGART İSTANBUL-ANTHİLL-SİNPAŞ QUUEN-DİVAN RESİDENCE-İSTİNYEPARK-ZORLU CENTER-KANYON-YEDİ MAVİ-KÖY ZEKERİYAKÖY-MASLAK42-SPİNE TOWER-BY ROTANA- VB. BİR ÇOK PROJEDE YER ALAN SATILIK&KİRALIK PORTFÖYÜMÜZ İLE HİZMETİNİZDEYİZ.Şirketimiz; Yükümlülükleri ve taşınmaz ticaret hükümleri gereği yukarıda bilgileri yer alan taşınmaza ait her türlü bilgide değişiklik(fiyat,fotoğraf,m2,vs)hakkını saklı tutar bilgiler taşınmaz sahibi ve inşaat firması tarafından verilmiş olup bu bilgilerden sorumlu değildir… WITH 15 YEARS OF REGIONAL EXPERIENCE TUGBERK GÜNDÜZHe is the Only Authorized and Contracted Person in the Portfolio.OUR AD IS UP TO DATE. YOU CAN VISIT THE APARTMENT BY APPOINTMENT AT ANY TIME.Representative photographs were used in the advertisement.OTHER PROJECTSAGAOGLU MASLAK 1453-ECLIPSE MASLAK-MASLAK MASHATTAN-AGAOGLU MYHOME MASLAK-VADISTANBUL TERRACE-VADISTANBUL PARK-SKYLAND ISTANBUL-PORTA VALLEY-AVANGART ISTANBUL-ANTHILL-SINPAŞ QUEN-DIVAN RESIDENCE-ISTINYEPARK-ZORLU CENTER-CANYON-SEVEN BLUE-VILLAGE ZEKERIYAKÖY-MASLAK42-SPIN TOWER-BY ROTANA- ETC. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE WITH OUR PORTFOLIO FOR SALE & RENT, WHICH IS INVOLVED IN MANY PROJECTS.Our company; In accordance with its obligations and real estate trade provisions, it reserves the right to change all kinds of information (price, photo, m2, etc.) about the immovable property information contained above, the information is given by the immovable owner and the construction company and is not responsible for this information...