✅DAİRE İKİNİSAN CADDESİ CUMHURİYET OKULU VE REKABET OKULUNUN BULUNDUĞU MUHİTTE VAN'IN EN NEZİH EN KALİTELİ YERİNDEDİR.✅ DAİREMİZ 3+1 OLUP KUZEY DOĞU CEPHELİ KAT MÜLKİYETLİ BALKONLU 160M2 BRÜT 145M2 NET ALANLI BAHÇELİ ÇOCUK OYUN ALANLARI OTURMA KAMELYALARI KAPALI OTOPARKLI GÜVENLİKLİ ULTRALÜX DİZAYN EDİLMİŞ İZALASYON CEPHELİ SİTEDEDİR✅✅FİYATI KONUM VE EMSALLERİNE GÖRE ÇOK CAZİP VE UYGUN TUTULMUŞTUR✅✅.✒️HAZAR GAYRİMENKUL GÜVENCESİYLE...✅Building İkinisan Street Republic School and the competition school is located in the most decent quality of Van.✅ Our apartment is 3+1 and North Eastern Front Holded Balcony 160m2 Gross 145m2 Garden Children's Playgrounds with Sitting Camellia Closed Parking Camellia is on the site with a safe ultraltUx designed to be designed to be designed.The price is very attractive and appropriate compared to its position and its peers.With the assurance of Hazar Real Estate ...