Efe Gayrimenkul'den Ara Katta Asansörlü Masrafsız Daire

'' 2024 ''ÜN SON GÜNCEL FAİZ ORANLARI İLE HERKESİ MÜLK SAHİBİ YAPIYORUZ ''ANKARANIN EN GENİŞ GAYRİMENKUL PORTFÖYÜNE SAHİPBİNLERCE DAİRE,DÜKKAN,ARAZİ,VİLLASEÇENEKLERİ İLE HİZMETİNİZDEMUTLAKA BİRİ SİZE GÖRE...✔ GÜVEN✔ TECRÜBE✔ KURUMSAL YAKLAŞIM✔ TEKNOLOJİ KULLANIMI✔ EN UYGUN ŞARTLARDA VE ANLAŞMALIBANKARLARLA KREDİ KULLANIMIPROFESYONEL BAY-BAYAN SATIŞ PERSONELLERİMİZ VEKREDİ UZMANLARI İLE SİZLERİ OFİSİMİZE DAVET EDİYORUZ...TAPU VE KREDİ İŞLEMLERİNİZ PROFESYONEL FİNANS EKİBİMİZ TARAFINDAN TAKİP EDİLMEKTEDİR.MÜŞTERİLERİMİZE HER ZAMAN'' KALİTEYİ KALİTELİ'' YAŞATTIRMA HEDEFİNDEYİZ...''HAYALLERİNİZDE'Kİ EV EFE GAYRİMENKUL'LEARTIK HAYAL DEĞİL''DAİRE, DÜKKAN VE ARAZİLERİNİZ'DEGERÇEK DEĞERİ UZMAN EKSPER  EKİBİMİZ İLEDEĞERLEMEK İÇİN BURDAYIZ...DENEYİMLİ KADROMUZ'LAMÜŞTERİ MEMNUNİYETİ SAĞLAMAK.PİYASAYI TEK BELİRLEYEN EFE GAYRİMENKUL FİRMASI OLARAKYAŞAM STANDARTLARINIZI YÜKSELTEREK.''SİZLERE HER BÜTÇEYE UYĞUNGAYRİMENKULU BULMAK İÇİN BURDAYIZ...EFE REAL ESTATE has become the owner of the quality in the sector and the definition of the best. By meeting our product and service quality and expectations in the highest way, to create an emotional connection between our customers with strong communication and to ensure customer loyalty, to become the most preferred leading brand chain by growing the service chain, to increase our competitiveness and profitability Dec. We are taking firm steps to become a reliable and respected organization of Turkey, which is the pioneer of the sector, which constantly develops our own methods in our own field of expertise in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of our company in the National/International Sunday.We are trying to move steadily towards becoming one of the real estate marketing companies equipped with a strong infrastructure by making a serious progress in corporate organization with our expert consultant staff. We are trying to increase EFE REAL ESTATEone step further with our achievements in our business volume by putting customer satisfaction at the forefront with our human-oriented working vision.All official necessary documents are available. We have no interest and connection with any illegal business.With its quality assurance, trained staff and business discipline that strengthens its professional image, EFE REAL ESTATEis rising with safe steps towards its goal of becoming one of the major influential institutions of TÜRKİYE.Let's track your credit, title deed, money exchange professionally for free by us. We do not charge a fee for the properties we have visited.Do not buy and sell real estate in the regions where we work without consulting us. Let's make your shopping easier and carry out your transactions in a more professional way with our experienced staff and the translation agencies we have contracted.Best regardsEFE GAYRİMENKUL         

2,849,000 TL

İlan Bilgileri
İlan Numarası: 17028062
İlan Oluşturma Tarihi: 17 Mart 2025
İlan Güncelleme Tarihi: 17 Mart 2025
Türü: Konut
Kategorisi: Satılık
Tipi: Daire
Net Metrekare: 120 m²
Brüt Metrekare: 130 m²
Oda Sayısı: 3+1
Binanın Yaşı: 1
Bulunduğu Kat: 1.Kat
Binanın Kat Sayısı: 4
Isıtma Tipi: Kombi Doğalgaz
Kullanım Durumu: Mülk Sahibi Oturuyor
Krediye Uygunluk: Krediye Uygun
Yatırıma Uygunluk: Bilinmiyor
Yapı Durumu:
Yapı Tipi:
Tapu Durumu: Kat Mülkiyeti
Site İçerisinde: Hayır
İpotek Durumu:
Eşya Durumu: Boş
Kira Getirisi:
Takas: Yok
Banyo Sayısı: 1
Banyo Metrekare:
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Balkon Tipi:
Balkon Metrekare:
Salon Metrekare:
WC Sayısı:
WC Metrekare:
Fiyat Durumu: Genel Fiyat
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Efe Gayrimenkul
Whatsapp: 5541690978

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