✅DAİREMİZ FATİH MAHALLESİ PETROL YOLU YANINDA GÖLET TESİSLERİNİN ÜST KISMINDA✅4 KATLI OLAN SIFIR YENİ BİNA DÜŞÜK KAT AVANTAJLI✅ÇİFT CEPHE YOL AÇIK CEPHELİDİR✅3+2 ÜST DUBLEX 160 M2 BRÜT 130 M2 NET ALANLIDIR✅DAİREMİZ 3 CEPHELİ OLUP GÜNEŞ AKŞAMA KADAR İÇERİSİNDEDİR✅ALT KATI SALON İKİ ODA MUTFAK BANYO VC HOL BALKON✅ÜST KATI SALON VE ODA MUTFAK BANYO LAVABO VC HOL VE TERAS MEVCUT✅OKULLAR KREŞ İLKOKUL ORTAOKUL LİSE YAKININDA✅PARK ALTINDA GÖLET PARKA YÜRÜME MESAFESİNDE✅MARKETLER YANINDA✅SULTANBEYLİ MERKEZE 5 DAKİKA YÜRÜME MESAFESINDE✅AYDOS ORMANLARINA YAKIN✅AİLENİZLE GENİŞ FERAH OLAN BU DAİREYİ ÇOK UYGUN FİYATA ALABİLİRSİNİZ✅MUHİTİNE GÖRE FİYATI GAYET UYGUN TUTULMUŞTUR ALICISINA KAÇIRILMAYACAK BİR DAİREDİR.HAZAR GAYRİMENKUL GÜVENCESİYLE...✅Aireiziz is at the top of the pond facilities next to Fatih Neighborhood oil road.Zero New Building with 4 Storey Low Floor Advantage✅çift facade road is open facade✅3+2 top duplex 160 m2 gross 130 m2 net area✅ Our Dairer has 3 facades and the sun is inside until the evening✅alt solid salon two rooms kitchen bathroom vc hall balcony✅ Solid Solid Hall and Room Kitchen Bathroom Bath Sink VC Hall and Terrace Available✅ SCHOOLS Nursery Primary School Secondary School High School✅ under walking distance of the pond park under the spark✅ Besides the markets✅ Sultanbeyli 5 minutes walking distance to the center✅ Close to the Forests of AYDOS✅ You can get this apartment, which is widely spacious with your mother, at a very affordable price.✅ According to the boat, the price is kept quite appropriate is an apartment that is not missed to the buyer.With the assurance of Hazar Real Estate ...